Advising and accompanying on the
entire process
Advising and accompanying on the
entire process
European direct funds are a financing possibility managed by the European Commission and its executive agencies. Different than shared management funds - like common agricultural policy or cohesion policy - direct funds are open to everyone - companies, universities, NGO's, public bodies - who have an innovative idea or a project with European added value.
Direct funds cover a broad range of policy fields. Mirroring the policy priorities of the EU and its Member States, direct funds put a great emphasis on energy, greening and digitalisation, but at the same time cover culture, space, defence, youth and training and so much more.
They have a specific funding logic and process. Most calls for proposals require projects submitted by partners from at least three Member States and have to fit perfectly to requirements of the published call.
ATS Advisory focuses solely on building, developing and writing proposals for direct funds and hereby providing tailor-made solutions to its clients with the goal of contributing to the submission and implementation of quality projects.
William James